If one does not know all the legal rules and specific words and phrases to speak to even enter evidence in a court, her story and voice are silenced. One cannot freely say “Objection, Lying” in a court hearing. Typically men are the bread winners and are able to afford an attorney to use the court system against women. A man can easily afford an attorney to lie, slander and disparage the woman without her being able to simply defend herself. The truth is lost and the predator gains custody of the children. The children go on to be exposed to and learn the behaviors of the predator with the cycle of violence continuing and getting worse. Children being so easily influenced, are brain washed into alienating the mother alongside the predator as he feeds hateful and defamatory ideas to the children and others, damaging and often destroying the so significantly needed mother-child bond for children.

Innocent women are being silenced by the courts and losing their children. What about the, “if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you”? Well, sadly in Colorado they are not honoring this in the family court system, stating that it is a civil matter not a criminal matter. In our eyes the unconscionable taking of an innocent Mother’s children simply by being able to silence her sounds far worse than a crime, is deeply disturbing, unethical and immoral allowing this cycle of violence to continue. There is a great need to raise legal funds to provide attorneys to help protect women and children in the courts, and we need your help to do it. Please donate today! We appreciate any amount you can give. Please share this link with family and friends, and encourage others to donate too!


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